WORKSHOP: New Frontiers for Data Analytics in Economic and Business History Research | GloCoBank Annual Workshop (2)

Early-Career Researcher Workshop: New Frontiers for Data Analytics in Economic and Business History Research

A GloCoBank Project Event | 25-26 May 2023 | St Hilda’s College | University of Oxford
Read workshop report


The ERC-funded ‘Global Correspondent Banking 1870–2000’ (GloCoBank) project at the University of Oxford will host a workshop for early-career researchers to explore novel approaches to data creation and data analytics in economic, financial and business history.

The workshop aims to explore the crossroads between data scientists, economic historians and geographers, and business researchers in the fields of international economic, business, and financial relations. The workshop is also open to multi-disciplinary applications of large-scale data analytics.

Recent advances in data analytics open up new opportunities for business and economic research. Archival sources can now be digitalised at a larger scale and over longer time spans, for both structured and unstructured data. New analytical techniques can unlock comparative analysis of cross-border financial flows at multiple levels and reconstruct strategic behaviour of actors within complex financial networks.

This workshop will connect early-career researchers endeavouring to advance the frontiers of future research within their core disciplines and set a new vision for data analytics in historical research. We look forward to building a research community to inspire collaboration between disciplines.


Download programme pdf

Day 1:  Thursday, May 25

09:00 – 09:20

Arrival and registration

09:20 – 09:30

Welcoming address

Session 1:  Digitalisation, automated georeferencing, and big data workflows

09:30 – 11:00

Josef Lilljegren (University of Groningen)

Zir - A GUI software for supervised, structured OCR of printed source material.

Giovanni Maria Pala (University of Oxford)

The cliometrics of cartography: a digital method to georeference and assess the accuracy of maritime historical maps.

11:00 – 11:30

Tea & coffee break

11:30 – 13:00

Giulia Occhini (University of Bristol), Emmanouil Tranos (The Alan Turing Institute), and Rui Zhou (University of Bristol)

Unlocking the Common Crawl to learn about innovative economic activities over space and time.

Michael Hödl (University of Vienna)

Mapping Vienna's economic geography: a historical microdata analysis of spatial structure and evolution (1880-1936).

13:00 – 14:00


Session 2:  Text-mining and machine learning for economic and banking time-series

14:00 – 15:30

Jules H. van Binsbergen (Wharton and NBER), Svetlana Bryzgalova (London Business School and CEPR), Mayukh Mukhopadhyay (London Business School), and Varun Sharma (Nanyang Business School)

(Almost) 200 Years of news-based economic sentiment. 

Petr Sterba (Prague University of Economics and Business)

Media image of correspondent banking in the US (1990-2022): An NLP-based analysis.

15:30 – 16:00

Tea & coffee break

16:00 – 17:30

Ricardo Salas Diaz (University of Massachusetts)

Becoming a central banker: exploring three hundred biographies in a century of the Banco de la República's History.

Jerry Jiang (UC Berkeley), Jacob P. Weber (UC Berkeley)

Who collaborates with the Soviets? Financial distress and technology transfer during the Great Depression.


Workshop Dinner (by invitation) - networking and continuing discussion of workshop and project research themes, future directions and opportunities for collaboration

Day 2:  Friday, May 26

Session 3:  Merging databases for financial modelling

09:30 – 11:00

Brecht Rogissart (European University Institute)

Geographic scales of Belgian financial growth (1870-1914).

Johan Poukens (University of Antwerp and State Archives of Belgium)

Historical household finance database for the low countries: a common extensible data model for historical household financial data.

11:00 – 11:30

Tea & coffee break

Session 4:  Visualising social networks for large-scale digitised sources

11:30 – 13:00

Sebastian Lowe (University of Oxford)

Networking populism: the neoliberal schism and the transnational origins of the Eurosceptic thought collective.

Brian Tsz Ho Wong (University of Edinburgh)

Visualising the wartime Japanese empire’s capital and power elites networks of the non-ferrous metals industry.

13:00 – 13:30

Closing remarks & discussions

Organiser contact: Alena Pivavarava at