Global Correspondent Banking 1870-2000 : All Pages
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- Professor Catherine R Schenk
- Professor Catherine Schenk awarded ERC grant for new research project
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- News
- Events
- Publications
- Working papers
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- GloCoBank project start date announced
- Dr Sebastian Alvarez
- Dr Wilfried Kisling
- Claire Phillips
- Professor Kris Mitchener
- Professor Simon Mollan
- Professor Hyun Song Shin
- Professor Dariusz Wojcik
- Dr Linda S. Goldberg
- PANEL: Annual Conference of the Dutch-Belgian Society for Eighteenth Century Studies, 2021: Making Sense of Finance - Prof. Catherine Schenk
- SEMINAR: Prof. Catherine Schenk, ‘Central Bank Swaps: then and now’ - Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- CONFERENCE: International Banking Networks: Sources of Stability or Instability? Evidence from the Past and Present - HoF-SAFE-IBF
- DISTINGUISHED LECTURE: 2021 Workshop on Monetary and Financial History - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta - Prof. Catherine Schenk
- Catherine R. Schenk, 'International Economic Relations since 1945', 2nd edition (forthcoming June 2021)
- BOOK: Catherine R. Schenk, 'International Economic Relations since 1945', 2nd edition
- Dr Marco Molteni
- International Banking Networks conference (22 April) programme now confirmed
- Dr Alena Pivavarava
- Introducing new GloCoBank research team member Dr Alena Pivavarava
- International banking networks: sources of stability or instability?
- The past and future of cross-border payments
- Blog
- Bank Underground blog by Catherine Schenk: When should policymakers reach for the history books?
- Blogs
- When should policymakers reach for the history books? Some examples from the 20th century (Bank Underground)
- Videos & podcasts
- Dr Thibaud Giddey
- Welcome to new GloCoBank researcher Dr Thibaud Giddey
- Working paper by Catherine Schenk: "Unusual, Unstable, Complicated, Unreliable and Temporary” Reinterpreting the Ebb and Flow of Globalization
- Robert N. McCauley
- New options to improve the global financial safety net (Chatham House Expert Comment)
- Policymakers can learn from Nixon's 'dollar shock' (Chatham House Expert Comment)
- Uziel González-Aliaga
- Kirsty Peacock
- Introducing new research team member Dr Marco Molteni
- SEMINAR: Thibaud Giddey and Catherine R. Schenk, 'Global Correspondent Banking in the 20th century: the position of Luxembourg'
- BOOK: Youssef Cassis, Catherine R. Schenk (eds.), 'Remembering and Learning from Financial Crises'
- JOB OPPORTUNITIES: 2 x Post-Doctoral Researchers in Global Correspondent Banking 1870-2000
- BOOK: Eiji Hotori, Mikael Wendschlag, Thibaud Giddey, 'Formalization of Banking Supervision, 19th-20th Centuries'
- New publication by GloCoBank researcher Thibaud Giddey
- WORKING PAPER: Catherine R. Schenk, Michael D. Bordo, '"Unusual, Unstable, Complicated, Unreliable and Temporary” Reinterpreting the Ebb and Flow of Globalization'
- Talking GloCoBank - the story so far
- Radio 4 'In Our Time' programme on the Gold Standard with Catherine Schenk
- GloCoBank annual workshop (Feb 2022)
- WORKSHOP: GloCoBank Annual Workshop (1)
- WORKSHOP: International Banking and Finance in Troubled Times: Reflections from the Past
- JOB VACANCY: Post-doctoral Researcher in Global Correspondent Banking 1870-2000 - South America
- PANEL DISCUSSION: 1971–2021 50 Years of Flexible Exchange Rates: reasons, lessons and perspectives
- CONFERENCE: Macro-financial stability policy in a globalised world: lessons from international experience
- CONFERENCE SERIES: The Future of the International Monetary System
- CONFERENCE: EHS Annual Conference 2022
- CONFERENCE: European Historical Economics Society Conference
- Catherine Schenk participates in Radio 4 documentary 'How to Steal a Trillion' (30 May)
- LECTURE: Prof. Catherine Schenk, 'Designing the Global Payments System: Telegraph to Tether'
- CONFERENCE: XIX World Economic History Congress 2022
- JOB OPPORTUNITY: Post-Doctoral Researcher in Global Correspondent Banking 1870-2000 - European Networks
- JOB OPPORTUNITY: Post-Doctoral Researcher in Global Correspondent Banking 1870-2000 - East Asia
- 'International Banking and Finance in Troubled Times: Reflections from the Past' workshop report (June 2022)
- VIDEO: 'Designing the Global Payments System: Telegraph to Tether' - lecture by Catherine R. Schenk
- VIDEO: '1971 – 2021 50 Years of Flexible Exchange Rates: reasons, lessons and perspectives' - panel discussion featuring Catherine R. Schenk
- VIDEO: 'Constructing and Deconstructing the Global Payments System 1870-2000' - lecture by Catherine R. Schenk
- Call for Papers: GloCoBank conference 23-24 Mar 2023 - deadline extension 2 Jan 2023
- CONFERENCE: The Evolution of the Global Payments System | GloCoBank Project Event
- Dr Sabine Schneider
- WORKSHOP: Where is the money? Financial networks and the geography of credit development
- WORKSHOP: Anniversaries, memory, and history of financial crises (MERCATOR project)
- SEMINAR: Queen's University Belfast Centre for Economic History Seminar Series
- WORKSHOP: International Macroeconomics in Historical Perspective
- Where was the money?
- Dr Manuel A. Bautista-González
- Call for Papers: GloCoBank early-career researcher workshop 25 May 2023 - deadline 30 Jan
- WORKSHOP: Towards an Alternative History of Banking Internationalization: Switzerland and Global Networks (19th-20th centuries)
- WORKSHOP: New Frontiers for Data Analytics in Economic and Business History Research | GloCoBank Annual Workshop (2)
- Dollar Debt in FX Swaps and Forwards - new article by Robert McCauley
- London as a financial centre since Brexit - Robert N. McCauley
- GloCoBank UNIQ+ Research Internships now open for 2023 applications
- Dr Jamieson G. Myles
- 'From telegraph to cryptocurrency': article by Catherine Schenk in Börsen-Zeitung
- GloCoBank conference registration form
- ‘Branching vs. Correspondents in 'Cross-Border' Banking Expansion? Evidence from Italy, 1870s-1913’
- ‘Opening the black box of foreign correspondent banking: the case of Banca Commerciale Italiana in the 20th century’
- ‘How and why to make a currency global? An infrastructural comparative study of the Eurodollar and the international Yuan cases’
- ‘Banking on the Deutsche Mark: The Bundesbank and West German bank internationalisation after Bretton Woods (1968–1985)’
- ‘Central Bank Digital Currencies and the International Payment System: The Demise of the US Dollar?’
- ‘Near-Money in History: Cryptocurrencies Versus Bills of Exchange’
- ‘Private Provision of Money Orders in the United States by Express and Telegraph Companies’
- ‘How do Financial Crises Redistribute Risk?’
- ‘International Banking in the Socialist World, 1956–1970’
- 'The Role of Payment Systems in Mongolia's Financial Inclusion and Economic Integration'
- ‘The Internationalization of Banking in Latin America: Foreign Banks and Correspondent Banking Networks (1870-1914)’
- ‘Why has the United Nations unification of global payment law failed?’
- ‘Reform that you may preserve. SWIFT’s directed change towards platformisation of global payments’
- Dr Nora Yitong Qiu
- Registration is now open: GloCoBank conference 23-24 March 2023
- ARTICLE: From telegraph to cryptocurency: the development of the global payments system
- Dr Akram Beniamin
- GloCoBank research team update
- SEMINAR: Professor Gustavo A. Del Angel (CIDE, Mexico), 'Private and state-owned banks in times of high instability. Mexico 1977-1990'
- CONFERENCE: EHS Annual Conference 2023
- Zir - A GUI software for supervised, structured OCR of printed source material.
- The Cliometrics of Cartography: A Digital Method to Georeference and Assess the Accuracy of Maritime Historical Maps.
- Unlocking the Common Crawl to learn about innovative economic activities over space and time.
- Mapping Vienna's Economic Geography: A Historical Microdata Analysis of Spatial Structure and Evolution (1880-1936).
- Geographic scales of Belgian financial growth (1870-1914).
- (Almost) 200 Years of News-Based Economic Sentiment.
- Becoming a Central Banker: Exploring Three Hundred Biographies in a Century of the Banco de la República's History.
- Media Image of Correspondent Banking in the US (1990-2022): An NLP-based Analysis.
- Networking Populism: The Neoliberal Schism and the Transnational Origins of the Eurosceptic Thought Collective.
- Visualising the Wartime Japanese Empire’s Capital and Power Elites Networks of the Non-Ferrous Metals Industry.
- Historical Household Finance Database for the Low Countries: a common extensible data model for historical household financial data.
- Who Collaborates with the Soviets? Financial Distress and Technology Transfer during the Great Depression.
- The Evolution of the Global Payments System conference (March 2023) report
- SEMINAR: Susie J. Pak (St John's University). '"Wall Street Loves a Comeback": The Genre of Financial True Crime'
- Dr Gary Robinson
- Marco Molteni wins GGH prize 2023 in Historical Finance
- JOB OPPORTUNITY: Post-Doctoral Research Associate in Global Correspondent Banking 1870-2000 – Data Analysis
- CONFERENCE: European Historical Economics Society Conference 2023
- CONFERENCE: Eighth Meeting of the Spanish Economic History Association (AEHE)
- Conference: 2023 Annual ABH Conference Pushing the Boundaries: Business History beyond the Discipline
- Professor John Singleton
- Report: GloCoBank Early-Career Researcher Workshop: New Frontiers for Data Analytics in Economic and Business History Research
- International payments, correspondent banking and the American challenge to Belgian banks in the 1960s
- Report: GloCoBank Annual Workshop (13 Sept 2023)
- PODCAST: 'How to Steal a Trillion: The Invention of Offshore' - contributor Catherine Schenk
- PODCAST: 'In Our Time - The Gold Standard' - contributor Catherine Schenk
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- BOOK CHAPTER: Catherine R. Schenk, 'Telegraph to Tether: Challenges in the Global Payments System and the Struggle between Private and Public Interests'
- JOURNAL ARTICLE: Marco Molteni, 'Credit expansion, leverage, and banking distress: the puzzle of interwar Italy'
- Giovanni Pala
- Mapping Global Banking Networks in the Early Twentieth Century: Banks with Correspondent Connections to London (1901-1913)
- The Internationalisation of Midland Bank: Edward Holden and Correspondent Banking Relations in the United States and Canada (1891-1919)
- GloCoBank UNIQ+ interns 2023: international banking connections and international commerce 1870-1980
- Launch of the EMU Lab: roundtable on the history of European Economic and Monetary Integration
- The reciprocity principle in correspondent banking relations. The case of Banca Commerciale Italiana in the first half of the twentieth century
- VIDEO: Launch event of the EMU Lab - roundtable on the history of European Economic and Monetary Integration - contributor Catherine Schenk
- CONFERENCE: EHS Annual Conference 2024
- CONFERENCE: 2024 Business History Conference (BHC)
- CONFERENCE: Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference 2024 (AAS)
- SEMINAR: Economic History Seminar, University of Barcelona
- WORKSHOP: GloCoBank Annual Workshop (3)
- JOB OPPORTUNITY: Post-Doctoral Researcher in Global Correspondent Banking 1870-2000 - European Networks
- Dr Zhang Wen
- Dr Robert Yee
- Global Correspondent Banking 1870-2000: Use of cookies on this website
- JOURNAL ARTICLE: Marco Molteni, 'Competition, over-branching, and bank failures during the Great Depression: new evidence from Italy'
- Association for Asian Studies (AAS) conference 2024 - report by Nora Yitong Qiu
- Business History Conference (BHC) 2024 - report by Jamieson Myles
- JOURNAL ARTICLE: Marco Molteni, Wilfried Kisling, 'The London money market and non-British bank lending during the first globalisation: evidence from Brazil'
- CONFERENCE: Annual Conference of the European Business History Association (EBHA) 2024
- CONFERENCE: Joint 49th EBHS and Association of Business Historians Conference
- WEBINAR: Financial History Network - Catherine Schenk, 'Moving Money - Redesigning the Global Payments System, 1969-99'
- Dr Sean Vanatta
- Dr Marianna Astore
- CONFERENCE: European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS)
- Joint ABH-EBHS Conference 2024 - report by Akram Beniamin
- Welcoming Dr Marianna Astore to the GloCoBank team!
- Annual Congress of the European Business History Association (EBHA) 2024 - report by Marianna Astore
- JOB OPPORTUNITY: Post-Doctoral Researcher in Global Correspondent Banking 1870-2000 - European Networks
- Report: GloCoBank Annual Workshop (12 Sept 2024)
- CALL FOR PAPERS: GloCoBank Conference on Cross-Border Payments in Historical Perspective, 27-28 March 2025
- CONFERENCE: Cross-Border Payments in Historical Perspective | GloCoBank Project Event
- CONFERENCE: Conference on European Economic Integration
- CONFERENCE: A History of the Accesses to the International Financial Markets for Emerging Economies: Lessons from Japan and Latin American Countries
- Sihao Feng
- Dr Tehreem Husain
- VIDEO: 'The History of the Economic and Monetary Union: Major Achievements and Key Challenges' - keynote lecture by Catherine R. Schenk
- WORKSHOP: Kick-off Workshop for Center for Advanced Studies Finance & Inequality (CASFI), University of Bonn
- Max Buchs
- Dr Sabine Schneider
- JOURNAL ARTICLE: Akram Beniamin, John F. Wilson, Neveen Abdelrehim, 'Multinational banking in Egypt: A case-study of the Ionian Bank, 1907–1939'
- WORKSHOP: GloCoBank Annual Workshop (4)
- WORKSHOP: Kick-off Workshop: Center for Advanced Studies Finance & Inequality
- SEMINAR: Hong Kong History Centre Speakers Series, University of Bristol
- CONFERENCE: EHS Annual Conference 2025
- The Reorganisation of Banca Commerciale Italiana’s US Network (1935–1941)
- "Red” Finance? Socialist Banking and International Financial Markets: Insights from East Germany, 1950s-1960s.
- European Banks and European Payment Systems, 1978-1992
- The Transnational Remittance Networks and Payment System of Overseas Taishanese: The Case of Wah Ying Cheong in British Hong Kong, 1890s-1910s
- The Architecture of Global Payments: From National Segmentation to Global Integration and Back to Geoeconomic Fragmentation (1971 to Today)
- British-Nigeria Banks, Merchants, Multilateral Payment Input and the Legislative/Executive Councils, 1912-1960
- EARLY CAREER/DOCTORAL WORKSHOP: Cross-Border Payments in Historical Perspective | GloCoBank Project Event
- The Eurobond Market and the Rise of Global Payment Infrastructure, 1963-1974
- Multilateral Clearing from Theory to Practice: The Deutsche Verrechnungskasse during World War II
- Cross-border payment by overseas Chinese merchants: A Case Study of Eu Yan Sang
- The Reciprocity Principle in Global Correspondent Banking: Some Historical Evidence
- Geopolitics and global interlinking of fast payment systems
- Japanese Correspondent Banking in the 20th Century: strategy and structure
- Correspondent Banking and Migrant Remittances: The Case of Banco di Napoli During the First Globalization
- BOLSA, the Eurocurrency markets, and the financing of Japanese industry in the 1960s
- KEYNOTE LECTURE: Linda Goldberg, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 'The Risk Sensitivity of Global Liquidity Flows: Heterogeneity, Recent Evolution and Drivers'
- Cross-Border Payments in the Age of the Atlantic Revolutions: Hope, Baring, and the Financing of the Louisiana Cession, 1803-1804
- Managing Risk in Chinese Trade Settlements, 1950-1975
- A Study of Factors Affecting Migrants' Remittances Intention: Based on the Teochew Letters Database, 1915-2000
- The Money Wormhole: Hong Kong and the Failure of Japan’s Currency Controls During the Pacific War
- Favouring the powerful: the heterogeneous trade effect of the classical gold standard.
- Global correspondent banking over the long 20th century